One Cuddly Guy - Sheldon Goh
One of the great undiscovered talents in the comic world is Malaysian Sheldon Goh.
At the beginning of the Awesome Storm Justice 41 project, we had no idea if the project was going to be viable.
Webisode 1 and 2 were both very good. We needed a kick ass webisode to establish exactly what it was that we were trying to do with it.
I wrote a very quirky script, which needed to be handled with utmost subtlety in order to pull off properly.
Don volunteered, but was hesitent at first, because he really wanted to do a webisode that featured the team. After some cajoling, he agreed, and thank goodness he did.
I truly believe that Webisode 3 marked the first time I was comfortable, that ASJ41 would have some staying power.
In my view all Don needs is to be seen by the right people and we will have a new star on our hands.
Colors on this page are done by Jorge Rodrigo (another future star)
he made my web 2 look like crap. but then again, i think it looks like crap.
and he's not the only one who hasn't gotten to draw the team.
who made web2 look like crap? Cuddly?
Don't sell yourself short Nate, Web2 kicks ass.
You'll get a chance some time to draw the team
Oh I get it now. His was so good, that yours looked bad.
I thought you though he messed yours up.
I need my medication.
Cuddly does rock hard.
took you long enough to figure that out...
go take your meds old timer.
Cuddly does rock hard. So do you nate, you pity seeker. :)
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